Is there a tool similar to yb-ctl that starts multiple nodes (not on the same machine, i.e. non local cluster)

Excuse me, we currently need to start a non local cluster, and can only start the master and tserver separately on each node as follows:
Run the yb-master server on each of the nodes as follows:
–fs_data_dirs “/home/centos/disk1,/home/centos/disk2”
–placement_cloud aws
–placement_region us-west
–placement_zone us-west-2a
–leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods 10 \

& /home/centos/disk1/yb-master.out &

And run the yb-tserver server on each node as follows:
–fs_data_dirs “/home/centos/disk1,/home/centos/disk2”
–placement_cloud aws
–placement_region us-west
–placement_zone us-west-2a
–leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods 10 \

& /home/centos/disk1/yb-tserver.out &

Is there a method for starting a cluster with multiple nodes, such as using yb-ctl to start a local cluster ?
Thank you very much.

You can use yugabyted.

Note that yugabyted is not recommended for production deployments. For production deployments with fully-distributed multi-node clusters, use yb-tserver and yb-master directly. Refer to Deploy YugabyteDB.

For a fully distributed multi node cluster, when there are many nodes, it would be inconvenient to deploy them directly using yb-master and yb-server on each node, right?
However, perhaps I can do multi node startup through shell scripts.

Why? You could automate many steps. Like using sytemd How to run YugabyteDB with systemd? - Stack Overflow. And using something like ansible, etc.

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OK,I got it. thanks.