Migrating Master Process to New Node in YugabyteDB Cluster

We have three nodes (node1, node2, and node3) running both master and t-server processes on each node, with a replication factor (RF) of 3, using YugabyteDB’s ‘yugabyted’ to start the processes. Now, we have added a fourth node (node4), which only has the t-server process running because the master quorum is already met.

My question is: Can I stop both the master and t-server processes on node1, start the master process on node4 (so that node4 runs both master and t-server), and then safely remove node1 from the cluster? If so, how should I go about doing this?

Hi Parvez,

Yes, we can stop both the master and t-server processes on node1 and subsequently start another node with master and tserver processes( node4) to get the cluster back to the required quorum RF-3.

There are docs here that mention the steps for replacing the yb-master and yb-tserver processes -

Also, wanted to check if you’re using yugabyted for creating the clusters? Most of the steps in the above docs related to blacklisting and draining the nodes need to be performed using yb-admin commands however the new node should be started with yugabyted start command.

Please let us know if you’ve any additional questions.

Nikhil Chandrappa