We’ve created a three nodes Yubabyte DB with one Tmaster and one Tserver on node 1 and oneTserver by node 2 and 3.
We start master with that command : yb-master --master_addresses= --rpc_bind_addresses= --fs_data_dirs=/var/yb_data/master --webserver_port=8080 --replication_factor=1
And each Terver like this yb-tserver --tserver_master_addrs= --rpc_bind_addresses= --pgsql_proxy_bind_address= --fs_data_dirs=/var/yb_data/tserver
Last week we add one Tserver on another node but afterwards we stopped it by killng process.
Thereafter the database has been in a stalled state with I/O errors in log.
Is there any command that could neatly stop and delete a specific Tserver ?
You also need to add --replication_factor=1 when you start the yb-tserver.
But why are you using RF1, you will have data loss & unavailability when a server goes down.
What are you trying to achieve ?
Do you need help with cluster setup and/or schema ?
I can help here or on slack or over a call.
I think it’s best to compare in production scenarios otherwise you’ll be comparing apples to oranges. A case would be the replication factor. Or database schema when sharding.
Actually our tests showed very poor performance in our 3 nodes cluster, compared to MariaDb (which is 10 times better).
The only problem I see is remote HDD drives used, is there a special tuning in Yugabyte parameters we can try to improve performances ? Or the only solution is to get local SSD ?