Add a new yb-tserver node to a cluster

In yugabytedb, to add a new yb-tserver node, does yb-master need to do the following 7 steps?
Are these steps described as follows correctly?

  1. Recognize the new YB-TServer: The YB-Master automatically detects the new YB-TServer when it starts up and connects to the cluster. This is done through the --tserver_master_addrs parameter that the new YB-TServer uses to connect to the existing masters Change cluster configuration.

Is this step where yb-tserver starts up and then starts connecting to yb-master?

  1. Rebalance tablets: The YB-Master initiates the process of rebalancing tablets (data shards) across the cluster to include the new node. This involves creating new tablet replicas on the new YB-TServer Scale out by adding new nodes.

  2. Create new followers: The YB-Master orchestrates the creation of new follower replicas for tablets on the newly added YB-TServer. These new followers start bootstrapping data from the existing tablet leaders Scale out by adding new nodes.

  3. Leader switching: After the new replicas are fully bootstrapped, the YB-Master may trigger leader elections for some tablets, with a hint to make the replicas on the new node the leaders. This helps ensure that leaders are evenly distributed across the cluster Scale out by adding new nodes.

  4. Fix over-replication: If the creation of new replicas results in over-replication for some tablets, the YB-Master coordinates the removal of extra copies to maintain the desired replication factor Scale out by adding new nodes.

  5. Update cluster metadata: The YB-Master updates the cluster metadata to reflect the presence of the new YB-TServer, ensuring that clients can be informed about the newly added node for serving queries Scale out by adding new nodes.

  6. Monitor the new node: The YB-Master starts monitoring the health and status of the new YB-TServer, including it in regular heartbeat checks and tablet server status updates Preview > Manage > Change cluster configuration > 3. Start YB-TServer servers.

Thank you very much.

Yes. That’s how it works out.

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Okay, thank you very much.
By the way, in the first step : Recognize the new YB-TServer .
Is this new YB-TServer node, connecting to the existing yb-master, via heartbeat packet?

Yes. The yb-tserver needs to also know the other yb-tservers, and does it through yb-master.

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