Why is it always in "Bootstrapping" state?

Hi guys.
I used the VM instance and the HW’s specs as below:

  • RAM: 32GB
  • NVMe: 640GiB
  • vCPU : 8.
    but when I execute the “./bin/yugabyted start”, and then check the status, “./bin/yugabyted status”, It always show the “Booststrapping” status.

How to solve this?



Can you please describe:

  • What version you’re using?
  • What exact commands you ran?
  • The output of start/status command?
  • If it’s still on bootstrap, can you run ./bin/yugabyted collect_logs and share the files here?

Thanks dorian.
the ans as below:

Just send them all, it shouldn’t be big.

The log files
Here, thanks so much.

Are there any core dumps being generated? Since the yb-tserver is crashing based on the logs

not sure , it is a single node, how to check the yb-tserver status?

You can check the http://yb-master-ip:7000/tablet-servers page.

@XIAOLI Can you also show the IPs listed for current_masters in your yugabyted.conf file?


[root@cloud-server-0 conf]# grep current_masters yugabyted.conf
    "current_masters": "",

Sure, check out the screenshot as below.

Thanks, and I got something:

@dorian_yugabyte do you have any solutions for this problems? thanks a lot.

What is your operating system?

Please see this too.

Did you check?

Please respond to all questions, I asked 3 questions and you answered only 1.

Q#01: What is your operating system?
root@lxcxx:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.

  • Distributor ID: Ubuntu
  • Description: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
  • Release: 24.04
  • Codename: noble
    This is the OS version.

Q#02:You can check the http://yb-master-ip:7000/tablet-servers page.

Q#03: Are there any core dumps being generated? Since the yb-tserver is crashing based on the logs
No. the new instance.

Can you be more clear? Do you mean:

  • There are no core dumps
  • Or I don’t know how to find them.

Thanks, @dorian_yugabyte
And how to understand the core dumps?

Explained here Ubuntu Apport Core Dump | Guide

Thanks. So we need to get the core dumps file and then see what happened,right?

and try to dump the files, but it seems like there is a problem.