I looked at the history of changes in the file src/yb/rocksdb/HISTORY.md and the latest record should be 4.5.0 (2/5/2016) , we won’t be upgrading the version of rocksdb anymore?The version of rocksdb is up to 9.8.4 now.
Thanks a lot.
Hi @ZhenNan2016
The rocksdb has been forked with many changes. The patches would be done on a case by case basis. That directory has active commits, maybe we haven’t updated that file in particular.
OK,thanks a lot.
By the way, does yugabytedb have its own checkpoint mechanism? I don’t think I’ve seen any documentation on checkpoint? Is it the same principle as mysql checkpoint mechanism?
In MySQL, checkpoint is the process of writing in-memory pages of data (i.e., data in the buffer pool ) to disk to ensure durability and recovery.Checkpoints are logged in the transaction log, and when the database crashes or is restarted, the transaction log can be used to recover to the state after the last checkpoint.
Yes, see flush in rocksdb RocksDB Overview · facebook/rocksdb Wiki · GitHub