PostGIS support?

We are currently working on a tender where one core component is a Postgres installation running PostGIS. I wonder if there is some experience with running PostGIS in the context of Yugabyte. Anyone tried that out?


Hi @zopyx

Yes we support Postgis and some: PostgreSQL extensions | YugabyteDB Docs

Many extensions should work out of the box except:

  1. Any extension that touches the storage layer will not work (or not correctly).
  2. Extensions that only touch the query layer should typically work but may not work correctly or the same as in Postgres.
  3. For instance, extensions that implicitly rely on some global state (e.g. statistics extensions) will only gather/report per-node information. That may be good for some extensions/use-cases but not for others.
  4. Additionally, some extensions may require unsupported query-layer features (like GiST or GIN indexes, deferred constraints, table inheritance, etc). These may partly work or not even run/install.

In PostGIS, to speedup queries you usually add GiST indexes, which aren’t currently supported but on the roadmap.

Hi i tried the link. I able to ingest geomtry data such as point(0,0).
CREATE TABLE ROADS (road_id serial, road_name text, roads_geom geometry );
INSERT INTO roads (road_id, road_name, roads_geom) VALUES (1,‘test’,‘POINT(0 1)’);
SELECT * from roads where ST_Equals(roads_geom, ST_GeomFromText(‘POINT(0 1)’,64));

I perform the above select statement but i got an error below:
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

I can’t query anything that is geometry field type.

Hi @becks
What version are you using ?
Can you paste some logs from yb-tserver & postgresql ? (how to get logs). Can you create a new github issue for this ?

ok posted