Hello everyone,
I’m experiencing an issue after enabling authentication in YugabyteDB. Before enabling authentication, the UI was working correctly. However, after activating the following options:
for YSQL
for YCQL
The UI can no longer connect and returns errors.
Deployment Details
I deployed YugabyteDB using the following Helm command:
helm upgrade yugabyte yugabytedb/yugabyte \
--namespace yugabytedb \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.25.0 \
--set image.tag= \
--set service.type=ClusterIP \
--set storage.master.storageClass=longhorn \
--set storage.tserver.storageClass=longhorn \
--set storage.master.size=10Gi \
--set storage.tserver.size=10Gi \
--set resource.master.requests.cpu=500m \
--set resource.master.requests.memory=1000Mi \
--set resource.tserver.requests.cpu=500m \
--set resource.tserver.requests.memory=1000Mi \
--set replicas.master=2 \
--set replicas.tserver=2 \
--set ysql.auth.enabled=true \
--set gflags.tserver.ysql_enable_auth=true \
--set gflags.tserver.use_cassandra_authentication=true \
--set ycql.auth.enabled=true \
--set ycql.auth.username=cassandra \
--set ycql.auth.password=PasswordWhaoo \
--set tls.enabled=true \
--set tls.autoGenerateCerts=true
- When authentication is disabled, the UI works fine.
- After enabling
and use_cassandra_authentication=true
, the UI stops working and does not prompt for login credentials.
- The UI seems unable to connect to the services.
- How can I properly configure authentication so that the UI can connect successfully?
- Does the UI have a built-in authentication option to restrict access? Currently, anyone can access the page, which is a security concern.
I can provide logs from the yugabyted-ui-service
if needed.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi @zootopie
Yes, please provide the logs.
Those don’t look like logs of yugabyted-ui. Looks to me like yb-master/yb-tserver. Can you confirm?
I’ve asked internally about this and will get back to you.
Unrelated to your issue:
Please read Deployment checklist for YugabyteDB clusters | YugabyteDB Docs for valid replication factor values.
I changed it to 3 as the documentation says to use odd numbers but the problem persists
--set replicas.master=3 \
--set replicas.tserver=3 \
- You need to change
and ycql.auth.password
to authCredentials.ycql.user
and authCredentials.ycql.password
- If the credentials were not already set up before the upgrade, then after the upgrade they need to either trigger the
job, or manually set up the credentials
Then the UI should work.
The reason we don’t trigger on upgrade is because credentials could have changed so we don’t have a good way to reset the password.
You should use the K8s operator for this to work, we support dynamic credential update in the CR.
Hello @dorian_yugabyte ,
I have performed the upgrade following your recommendations using the following command:
helm upgrade yugabyte yugabytedb/yugabyte \
--namespace yugabytedb \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.25.0 \
--set image.tag= \
--set service.type=ClusterIP \
--set storage.master.storageClass=longhorn \
--set storage.tserver.storageClass=longhorn \
--set storage.master.size=10Gi \
--set storage.tserver.size=10Gi \
--set resource.master.requests.cpu=500m \
--set resource.master.requests.memory=1000Mi \
--set resource.tserver.requests.cpu=500m \
--set resource.tserver.requests.memory=1000Mi \
--set replicas.master=3 \
--set replicas.tserver=3 \
--set ysql.auth.enabled=true \
--set gflags.tserver.ysql_enable_auth=true \
--set gflags.tserver.use_cassandra_authentication=true \
--set ycql.auth.enabled=true \
--set authCredentials.ycql.user=admin \
--set authCredentials.ycql.password=SuperMotDePasse123 \
--set tls.enabled=true \
--set tls.autoGenerateCerts=true
I have also created the admin user with superadmin privileges and this password.
However, the issue still persists: logs here.
I see an incorrect password in the errors, even though it’s correct. I’m able to connect with the user and password.
Yet, I can successfully connect to the PostgreSQL database with admin user and using a third-party software on my PC, which means the port is open and functioning properly.
Could you help me understand why the YCQL connection is still not working despite these configurations?
Thanks in advance for your help!
@zootopie can you please provide us the exact steps you performed after running the helm upgrade
How did you propagate the YCQL password? did you run setup-credentials
job or explicitly set the password by logging into YCQL using -
ALTER ROLE admin WITH PASSWORD = 'SuperMotDePasse123';
@nmalladi I did not use the setup-credentials but just the command then I put it in superadmin this user, but by doing that after rebooting I can connect to the Admin with the password it works
ALTER ROLE admin WITH PASSWORD = 'SuperMotDePasse123';
I am also having similar issue.
For some reason, default username / password pair doesn’t work with error:
Provided username 'cassandra' and/or password are incorrect
image: yugabytedb/yugabyte:
restart: always
command: [
- "5433:5433"
- "15433:15433"
- ./data/db-1:/home/yugabyte/yb_data
- ./ydb.conf:/ydb.conf
--ysql_hba_conf_csv=host all all all trust,local all yugabyte trust
2025-02-05T03:02:04.264Z error server/main.go:142 main.main Error initializing the gocql session.
2025-02-05T03:02:04.264Z error server/main.go:143 main.main gocql: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: Provided username 'cassandra' and/or password are incorrect
using embed mode
2025-02-05T03:02:31.055Z error handlers/container.go:76 apiserver/cmd/server/handlers.(*Container).GetSession Error initializing the gocql session: gocql: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: Provided username 'cassandra' and/or password are incorrect
2025-02-05T03:02:31.055Z error handlers/api_cluster_info.go:499 apiserver/cmd/server/handlers.(*Container).GetClusterMetric [GetSession]: gocql: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: Provided username 'cassandra' and/or password are incorrect
2025-02-05T03:02:32.452Z error handlers/container.go:76 apiserver/cmd/server/handlers.(*Container).GetSession Error initializing the gocql session: gocql: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: Provided username 'cassandra' and/or password are incorrect
Please try with setup-credentials
How to use the setup-credentials I don’t see any part in the doc that talks about how to do that ? Could you send me the doc that explains how to do this ?
@dorian_yugabyte I’ve just done it, but it hasn’t solved my problem … What’s strange is that I can connect to the database with “admin” and “SuperPassword123”, so I don’t understand why the identifiers I’ve created are invalid. What can I do ?
Here’s how it works [SOLUTION]
WARNING /!\ The password must not be too long or contain some special characters, it may not work if the password is too long I put 50 characters and it works
Make sure you have uninstalled all YugabyteDB
helm install yugabyte yugabytedb/yugabyte \
--namespace yugabytedb \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.25.0 \
--set image.tag= \
--set service.type=ClusterIP \
--set storage.master.storageClass=longhorn \
--set storage.tserver.storageClass=longhorn \
--set storage.master.size=10Gi \
--set storage.tserver.size=10Gi \
--set resource.master.requests.cpu=500m \
--set resource.master.requests.memory=1000Mi \
--set resource.tserver.requests.cpu=500m \
--set resource.tserver.requests.memory=1000Mi \
--set replicas.master=3 \
--set replicas.tserver=3 \
--set tls.enabled=true \
--set tls.autoGenerateCerts=true \
--set ysql.auth.enabled=true \
--set gflags.tserver.ysql_enable_auth=true \
--set ycql.auth.enabled=true \
--set gflags.tserver.use_cassandra_authentication=true \
--set authCredentials.ycql.user=cassandra \
--set authCredentials.ycql.password="YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"
For storage I use LongHorn, if you haven’t used it elsewhere, performance has been limited because it’s a small database.
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