Error while apply full schema dump

while applying the full dump of yb DB getting the error: num_tablets should be greater than 0. Client : would need to wait for master leader get heartbeats from tserver.

The schema is created successfully but getting the error which creating tables. YB version is same on both machine : 2.20

What command are you running?

Please paste the full error message, hopefully along with some messages above it if it’s in the logs.

What’s the status of the new cluster?

Looks like you don’t have any live yb-tservers?

a. ./ysqlsh
b. \i
ERROR: Invalid table definition: Error creating table yugabyte.account on the master: num_tablets should be greater than 0. Client would need to wait for master leader get heartbeats from tserver.

yb-tserver is running with --yb_num_shards_per_tserver=1 --ysql_num_shards_per_tserver=1 flags

Can you do ./bin/yugabyted collect_logs and share the zip file?