When will index AMs such as `hnsw` and `ivfflat` be added to vector indexes for external use to fully enable end-to-end support for vector indexes?

I understand from the following documentation that our ybdb does not support distributed vector storage. May I ask what is the plan for this feature?

One of them is mentioned:
“Note that the results from a ybdummyann index won’t actually be sorted by their distance from the given query vector as the DocDB side of vector indexing has not been implemented. This is made clear by the following client warning when such an index is created. In the future, when we fully have end-to-end support of vector indexing we will add index AM’s such as hnsw and ivfflat meant for external usage.”

Hi @ZhenNan2016

Why make another issue when you can ask in the github issue?

Issues being worked on for the near term are mentioned in the roadmap GitHub - yugabyte/yugabyte-db: YugabyteDB - the cloud native distributed SQL database for mission-critical applications.

Moved in When will index AMs such as `hnsw` and `ivfflat` be added to vector indexes for external use to fully enable end-to-end support for vector indexes?[yugabyted] Title · Issue #23095 · yugabyte/yugabyte-db · GitHub

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Hi, @dorian_yugabyte
Excuse me.
I have an urgent need to use hnsw index. I asked a question on the relevant github, and also @ mbautin, but he didn’t respond.
Can you help me to confirm when this hnsw index can be supported?

Thanks a lot.

Hi @ZhenNan2016, It is being worked on, but I have no dates. Can you explain your use case (here or fpachot@yugabyte.com)? Knowing about user cases may help increase the priority or get more precise roadmap

Hi @FranckPachot
I have some business scenarios on my side, including but not limited to the following:
Finance, e-commerce and other fields related to text, audio, video, images and other media resources, have ANN search or KNN search requirements, and the storage and retrieval of these resources are expected to reach the level of billions.
Thanks a lot.

If some of those customers may need support, we can involve pre-sales, and they may help increase the priority. If it is open source users, follow the git issue for updates on the roadmap.
Are they already on PostgreSQL or others? Or is is new application?

Most of these users are open source users, including me.
Some of these users are already on PostgreSQL, some are new applications.
Thanks a lot.