Unable to get registration for peer

Hi, I am new to yugabyte via class.

I installed yugabyte- and have 5 servers.
The master web interface shows: Server, Raft_Role: Unknown, Details: |ERROR: Network error (yb/util/net/socket.cc:540): Unable to get registration information for peer ([]) id (f632919f68b64d3dacff2e821bc071d6): recvmsg error: Connection refused (system error 111)|

Here’s my configuration.

./bin/yb-master  \
--fs_data_dirs "/mnt/ramdisk/cs4224c/disk,/mnt/ramdisk/cs4224c/disk2" \
--master_addresses xcnd5.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd6.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd7.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd8.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd50.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101 \
--rpc_bind_addresses xcnd5.comp.nus.edu:7101 \
--leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods 10 \
>& /temp/cs4224c/ygdb_master.log &


--tserver_master_addrs xcnd5.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd6.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd7.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd8.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101,xcnd50.comp.nus.edu.sg:7101 \
--rpc_bind_addresses xcnd5.comp.nus.edu.sg:9101 \
--enable_ysql   \
--pgsql_proxy_bind_address xcnd5.comp.nus.edu.sg:5533  \
--cql_proxy_bind_address xcnd5.comp.nus.edu.sg:9142   \
--fs_data_dirs "/mnt/ramdisk/cs4224c/disk,/mnt/ramdisk/cs4224c/disk2" \
--redis_proxy_bind_address xcnd5.comp.nus.edu.sg:6479 \
--redis_proxy_webserver_port 11100 \
--leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods 10 \
>& /temp/cs4224c/ygdb_tserver.log &

There will be a sharing on these servers among several groups, so I have to change the ports.

I noted that there’s an error in the log:

W1103 21:55:18.672091 204262 master.cc:504] ListMasters: Network error (yb/util/net/socket.cc:540): Unable to get registration information for peer ([]) id (f632919f68b64d3dacff2e821bc071d6): recvmsg error: Connection refused (system error 111)

And I do not know that how could it happen? :frowning:

P.S. I have tried the default ports but still the same. The nodes cannot elect a leader…

Fixed. As we share the clusters with others and they do not offer us the write right of .yb.<top_hash> file, the postgre server cannot work

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