Hello everyone,
the German Linux-Magazin, by the way the oldest still existing magazine on this topic in the world, is planning a focus on “databases in the cloud” in the issue 01/23. An article about Yugabyte would of course fit into this issue. So we are looking for an author who can write a Yugabyte introduction for us. The text should describe
- What problem(s) is Yugabyte trying to solve?
- What is the strategy to achieve this goal?
- What are the limitations? Which workloads are inappropriate?
- The technical solution in detail
- How can I test the database?
- The future: planned developments
Readers are IT professionals, but not necessarily database experts. We do not explain IT basics. I expect 4 to 6 pages of 4000 characters each. The deadline for submissions is November 7. We pay a fee of 80 Euro/page.
Who is interested? Please contact me under jens-christoph.brendel@computec.de
Many thanks in advance