Trying to create a keyspace with replication factor=1 seems to change the value to 3: cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE myapp WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = false;
Then Describe gives:
cqlsh> describe myapp; CREATE KEYSPACE myapp WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3'} AND durable_writes = true;
Looked into this, you are right that we currently ignore the replication_factor directive. Do you mind opening an issue: Issues · yugabyte/yugabyte-db · GitHub
As a work around, could you please create a cluster with replication factor 1? That would switch the default replication factor to 1. If you are using yb-ctl then you can do the following: ./bin/yb-ctl --replication_factor 1
Similar to this tutorial:
Sure, I’ll open an issue. If I create the cluster with rf=1 creating a table fails with Not enough live tablet servers to create table with the requested replication factor 3. 1 tablet servers are alive.
Hey @hengestone! Jumping in real quick as I think there’s a small misunderstanding.
We currently ignore the options on CREATE KEYSPACE and default to internal flags on yb-master for setting up the replication factor (yb-master configuration reference | YugabyteDB Docs, check --replication_factor, which defaults to 3, hence what you’re noticing)
I also am not sure how you’re starting up the cluster though. Is it possible that you’re doing it manually using the respective yb-master/yb-tserver binaries?
The recommended route would be using the bin/yb-ctl python script, which would take care of both setting up the needed number of master/tservers, as well as flowing through custom flags (such as --replication_factor).
As per @karthik’s suggestion, try using ./bin/yb-ctl --replication_factor 1 create , then confirm that it’s up and running using ./bin/yb-ctl status and then you’re good to login and create your keyspaces/tables.