Hi! I’m trying to deploy a yugabyte cluster in k8s with helm and I enabled tls using cert-manager and a clusterIssuer.
The certificates seems to have been generated properly, but from some reason the yb-master-X pods are failing with the following error:
# Set to true to enable the TLS.
enabled: true
nodeToNode: true
clientToServer: true
insecure: false
enabled: true
bootstrapSelfsigned: false
useClusterIssuer: true
clusterIssuer: vault-issuer-db
duration: 2160h # 90d
renewBefore: 360h # 15d
algorithm: RSA # ECDSA or RSA
keySize: 4096
In my setup I have the following certificate chain:
ROOT CA (self signed) → ica1 → icadb → server certificate
the value of rootCA.cert is the ROOT CA
in the yb-master-yugabyte-tls-cert secret, the tls.crt value contains the server certificate followed by the 2 int ca (icadb and ica1) and I verified the certificate validation against the ca chain and it’s valid.
openssl verify -CAfile rootca -untrusted <(cat icadb ica1) crt
crt: OK
version: yugabytedb/yugabyte:2024.2.1.0-b185
any idea why I’m getting this issue?
Ok, I think I know what is causing the issue. It seems that if we have 1 rootCA and we generate a certificate signed by that CA, (no intermediate) it works.
I tested it using the selfsigned configuration from helm
# Set to true to enable the TLS.
enabled: true
nodeToNode: true
clientToServer: true
# Set to false to disallow any service with unencrypted communication from joining this cluster
insecure: false
# Set enabled to true to use cert-manager instead of providing your own rootCA
enabled: false
# Will create own ca certificate and issuer when set to true
bootstrapSelfsigned: true
# Use ClusterIssuer when set to true, otherwise use Issuer
useClusterIssuer: false
# The lifetime before cert-manager will issue a new certificate.
# The re-issued certificates will not be automatically reloaded by the service.
# It is necessary to provide some external means of restarting the pods.
duration: 2160h # 90d
renewBefore: 360h # 15d
algorithm: RSA # ECDSA or RSA
# Can be 2048, 4096 or 8192 for RSA
# Or 256, 384 or 521 for ECDSA
keySize: 4096
I have tested with 1 intermediate and it also fails.
Is there a way to make it work when Intermediate CA are used?
Hi, for the cert-manager ClusterIssuer, the value of the vault.caBundle contains the full chain (IntCaDB. IntCA1 and RootCA)
As for testing with having the full CA chain in the ca.crt file, it seems to work. I manually generated certificates and key and added the full chain in the ca.crt and the cluster is working fine.
When using cert-manager, only the rootCA is in the ca.crt, but the certificate + the certificate chain is in the node.yb-master-0.yb-masters.database.svc.cluster.local.crt and with this setup YB is not able to start.
Hi @Aman_Nijhawan, not sure the workaround is clear as I have tried to put the full CA chain (2x int + RootCA) in the following helm setting:
and on the pods, only the single RootCA appears.
This is when trying to use cert-manager and providing the rootCA as follow:
# Set to true to enable the TLS.
enabled: true
nodeToNode: true
clientToServer: true
insecure: false
enabled: true
bootstrapSelfsigned: false
useClusterIssuer: true
clusterIssuer: vault-issuer-db
duration: 1h # 90d
renewBefore: 10m # 15d
algorithm: RSA # ECDSA or RSA
keySize: 4096
cert: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJ...
I don’t believe there is a workaround when using cert-manager.
You have to fully set the certificates manually or use the bootstrap feature which doesn’t use cert-manager.