Install on clean Alma 9.5 fails to start

Clean Alma 9.5 Minimal running as a VM


 68  wget
   69  tar xvfz yugabyte-2024.1.3.1-b8-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && cd yugabyte-2024.1.3.1/
   70  ./bin/
   71  ./bin/yugabyted start
   72  ./bin/ysqlsh


ysqlsh: could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5433?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5433?


W1130 21:51:11.147763  1373] GetTableSchemaRpc(table_identifier: table_name: "metrics" namespace { name: "system" database_type: YQL_DATABASE_CQL }, num_attempts: 1) failed: Not found (yb/master/ Table system.metrics not found: OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (master error 3)
W1130 21:51:11.147858  1370] P 2f94ca508a92498793ec4c774e2e6687: Failed to snapshot metrics, code=Not found (yb/master/ Table system.metrics not found: OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (master error 3)
F1130 21:51:11.197551  1317] Runtime error (yb/yql/pgwrapper/ /home/user/yugabyte-2024.1.3.1/postgres/bin/initdb failed with exit code 1

What so you see if you check the status of yugbayted?

./bin/yugabyted status

Can you run ./bin/yugabyted collect_logs and share a link to the zip file here?