Does YB offer any YCQL performance test tool?

Hi, I want to test the network latency impact on YCQL read / write performance. Does YB have a performance test tool for this?

For example:

[YB CQL]--------------Network A--------------[YB CQL Client / Test Tool]

[YB CQL]--------------Network B--------------[YB CQL Client / Test Tool]

Suppose Network A & B have different latency, I would like to know via the test tool how much difference the latency impact DB read / write.

I also will use iperf and netperf tools to measure throughput and latency. But for application owners, DB read / write performance difference would make more sense to them.

hi @Steve_Liang:

You can use:

For example:


and then,

export NODE_IPS="ip1:9042,ip2:9042"   # provide a few seed nodes
java -jar ./yb-sample-apps.jar \
--workload CassandraKeyValue \
--num_threads_read 16 \
--num_threads_write 16 \
--nodes $NODE_IPS \
--nouuid \
--username cassandra --password cassandra 

OR, to run another YCQL workload, change the --workload option:

java -jar ./yb-sample-apps.jar \
--workload CassandraSecondaryIndex \
--num_threads_read 16 \
--num_threads_write 16 \
--nodes $NODE_IPS \
--nouuid \
--username cassandra --password cassandra